CIRTL Level Assessments

All final Portfolios should include: evidence of completion for CLT components, evidence of participation in CIRTL Network offerings (i.e., proof of registration), copies of presentation announcements that you have given and/or blogs/articles that have been published, and your written reflections.

Portfolios will be assessed at two times of the year:  May and October. Please submit your completed Portfolio to clt@dal.ca by May 1 or October 1st for evaluation.

The institutional lead for CIRTL at Dalhousie is responsible for assigning participants’ CIRTL Portfolios to faculty for assessment and written feedback. Portfolio reviewers will be faculty members from the Dalhousie Leadership in Teaching Excellence group.

Assessment of CIRTL Portfolios are decided on a Pass/Fail basis following the Rubrics for each CIRTL level.Â