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Research and Innovation

Posted by Jaq-Lin Larder on April 17, 2023 in Events

As we approach the fifth year of Impact Together Dalhousie’s Research and Innovation Strategic Direction, the Dalhousie research community is invited to provide input on renewing and refreshing our strategic research clusters. As one mechanism of gathering input the VPRI is holding a series of town hall sessions centered around the Signature Research Clusters.  Two sessions were held in March.

The remaining two Town Hall sessions will be held:

Food Security – Wednesday, May 3rd 1:00-3:00 PM, Student Learning Commons, Room 218 and 219, MacRae Library, Agriculture Campus, Truro [For this session only - An online/remote option will be available for faculty joining from Halifax]

Clean Tech, Energy, the Environment – Thursday, May 4th, 1:00-3:00 PM, Emera IdeaHub Romero Room 1004, Sexton Campus. 

Please RSVP to Jeana Daye indicating which session(s) you will attend.

In addition to the town hall sessions, a survey will be distributed later in the spring. Feedback can also be given by email to the Office of Planning and Analytics at opa@dal.ca.