Concern about coyotes

- January 13, 2010

CTV interview
Duration: 06:22, Format: Quicktime
Broadband connection recommended

Coyotes have became more and more of a danger throughout the province as packs killed farmers’ animals, lurked near schoolyards and even approached a Sydney man within city limits while he was taking a walk. Problems over the past year, including the fatal attack of a young woman hiking in Cape Breton Highlands Park, have led to calls for bounties on the animal.

But Dalhousie researcher Simon Gadbois says bounties don't work, "because if you kill the animals they can't transmit a fear of humans to the next generation," he tells CTV anchor Steve Murphy.

"Do we need to be wary of these animals?" asks Mr. Murphy.

"Yes, I would be careful," responds Dr. Gadbois, "And I would certainly report cases of animals that are bolder than usual and have abnormal behavioral patterns, like a lot of daylight activity which is not something you'd expect."