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Teaching and learning grants

Posted by Centre for Learning and Teaching on August 1, 2024 in General Announcements

Dalhousie’s Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) has several teaching and learning grants.

Join us on Wednesday, August 7 from 10–11:30 a.m. for an online session on How to write a CLT grant proposal. This session will briefly describe the grants and provide some tips and tricks about how to write a great grant proposal. 

Upcoming grant submission deadlines

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grants
Grants up to $3,000 may be awarded to each project.
Closes November 4, 2024

Anne Marie Ryan Teaching and Learning Enhancement Grant
Grants up to $3,000 may be awarded to each project. 
Closes November 12, 2024

Science Case Studies Grant
One grant of $1,000 is available. 
Closes November 18, 2024

Change One Thing Challenge
One grant of up to $1,000 to support attendance of a teaching and learning conference.
Closes January 20, 2025

K. Lynn Taylor Educational Conference Presentation Travel Grant
Two grants of up to $1,000 each are available.
Closes January 20, 2025


Any questions or requests for feedback on proposals in development may be directed to Kate Thompson (thompskm@dal.ca).