

Richard (Toby) Field

1999 INWK Graduate

"Upon entering Dal's Internetworking program, I was looking for a way to bridge the gap between my experiences in industrial engineering from my undergraduate degree and working in the world of computer networks. The program at Dalhousie seemed the way to do this," says Toby Field.

"Since graduating from the Internetworking program, I have worked for a major telecommunications hardware manufacturer (Nortel) and a telecommunications provider (Aliant). At Nortel, I worked as a field engineer, deploying new equipment for enterprise customers across Canada. My current position is with Aliant, a telecommunications provider in Atlantic Canada, working as a service planner to launch new services to both the consumer and business markets."

"The skills I learned in the Internetworking program provided a solid foundation upon which I have been able to build a successful career in the telecommunications industry."